Motivation Made Easy: Your Personalized Path to Success!

4 min read

Master storyteller and worldly scholar Kewulay Kamara (Baba) shared a profound sentiment in Season 3 Episode 5 of the Kume: Turning Point Diaries podcast: "At every stage in my life, what I wanted to be is free." These words struck a chord within me as I recently revisited this enlightening conversation. Baba's unwavering commitment to freedom has shaped his extraordinary life and sparked my reflection on the nature of motivation and its transformative power.

Motivation goes beyond fleeting excitement; it is the powerful force that propels us forward, empowering us to overcome obstacles and realize our dreams. There are two primary types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation springs from within, fueled by our personal values, passions, and the sheer joy we experience when pursuing a specific endeavor. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation derives from external sources such as rewards, recognition, or praise.

While external incentives can provide initial momentum or external validation, it is intrinsic motivation that serves as the enduring force, igniting our passion and resilience. Recognizing which type of motivation resonates with us is essential to aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with our desired reality.

Baba's story serves as a testament to the significance of intrinsic motivation. In the episode, he recounts a pivotal moment when he embodied his guiding principle of freedom. Confronted by the head of the division seeking to diminish him, Baba fearlessly responded, "If I am not here, two things will happen. I will find a better job or create my own. But whichever path I choose, it will be better than what you perceive as a great job because what I am seeking is a situation where I am free." This unwavering commitment to his freedom propelled Baba forward, refusing to shrink himself for the sake of a job. It allowed him to preserve his agency, dream his desired life, and find the people who align with his values to dream with him. 

Baba's journey is a powerful reminder that understanding and prioritizing our values can help us not only navigate challenging situations with our chin held high and our dignity intact but also forge our own path, unrestricted by societal expectations. As he eloquently stated in the episode, "When you have faith in your words, thoughts, and the source of your power—the essence of your true self—you can speak and become whatever you desire." This audacious courage comes from believing in oneself and having confidence in one's abilities, enabling us to pursue what resonates in the core of our being.  

Baba's story also invites us to explore our intrinsic motivation by reflecting on what truly makes us feel alive. Is it a particular activity, a cause you deeply care about, or a creative outlet that sets your soul on fire? Through this introspection, we uncover hidden aspects of ourselves and encounter the unknown, leading to profound insights and fresh perspectives on how we perceive and relate to both ourselves and others. Embracing this practice with enthusiasm and curiosity can lead you to surpass your wildest dreams, just as it did for Baba. 

Once we are familiar with our core values and passions, we can pursue meaningful goals that align with who we are at our core. Meaningful goals are those that inspire and excite us, instilling a profound sense of purpose. They act as beacons, guiding our journey and keeping us focused on what genuinely matters.

For example, Baba's meaningful goal was to remain a perpetual student—always studying, learning, and working towards freedom. As someone who values learning and possesses a fervor for empowering others through knowledge, his intrinsic motivation stems from the belief that learning liberates us from the constraints that ensnare others. He recalls a moment of revelation while pursuing a Ph.D. in Economics when he asked himself, "Who do I want to be when I am 65?" At barely 30 years old at the time, he envisioned his future self as a resource for young people, an elder who others would seek guidance and support from. Every day, he embraces the opportunity to acquire new knowledge. For Baba, learning is a daily discipline that helps him practice being open to new information, inspires him to seek opportunities to sharpen his mind and nourish his soul, and satisfies his curiosity, in return fueling his sense of freedom. As a poet, multi-media storyteller, and lecturer with extensive experience in culture, government, academia, and media, Baba has been able to share his wisdom and empower others through learning, expanding their understanding of self, and encouraging them to transcend their circumstances.

Surrounding ourselves with a supportive environment is vital for nurturing and amplifying our motivation. Seek out like-minded individuals who inspire and encourage you on your journey. This could involve joining communities, attending events, or seeking mentors with similar passions and values. These relationships can provide guidance, inspiration, and a sense of belonging, further fueling your motivation.

As you contemplate the power of motivation in your own life, remember that it begins within you. Allow your intrinsic motivation to guide you toward a life of purpose, fulfillment, and extraordinary achievements. Embrace your unique passions, delve into your values, and align your goals with your authentic desires. With self-discovery, meaningful goals, and a supportive environment, you have the ability to create the life you wish for. The path is yours to forge, and the possibilities are endless.

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