Discovering Purpose in Unlikely Places

4 min read

I remember years ago, feeling a restless longing that consumed me as I searched for the elusive concept of purpose. It was an insatiable desire, an ache that begged to be satisfied. In my quest for answers, I turned to my baba (father), seeking his wisdom and guidance. With a gentle smile, he uttered words that would forever shape my perspective: "Keep working on yourself, and your purpose will reveal itself."

Little did I know that I was already living my purpose, unaware of its existence. In the depths of my being, I embodied my role as a Finah, a lineage of storytellers, oral poets, and historians of the Mande languages originating in West Africa. Descending from 28 generations of the Finah, I found myself listening and weaving tales of hope as a frontline fundraiser, forging connections between generous souls and meaningful causes. Whether raising money for an academic institution to ensure a socioeconomically diverse student body or for a foundation committed to fighting poverty in New York City, the impact is transformative. The funds raised help to ensure that all people have an equal opportunity to achieve educational, economic, personal, and public success. I vividly remember visiting a grantee, a school in a low-income community, during their annual College Signing Day. This event marked the culmination of their hard work, struggles, and sacrifices as graduating students officially announced which college they would be attending that fall. The joy and triumph I witnessed amidst proud parents, faculty, and community leaders brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me why I do what I do – to give people better opportunities at leading fulfilling, successful lives. Within this realization, I began to understand that purpose is not always loud and grandiose, demanding to be announced to the world.

Purpose is a deeply personal journey, intimately known and felt within the chambers of our souls. It is a melody that resonates deeply within us, guiding us towards a life that feels authentically ours. For some people, purpose may be closely tied to their personal goals and aspirations. It could involve pursuing a specific career, making a positive impact on the world, or striving for personal growth and fulfillment. Others may find purpose in their relationships, such as being a loving partner, parent, or friend. Purpose can also be connected to a broader context, such as a sense of duty to one's community, society, or a higher power. It may involve living in alignment with certain values or principles, contributing to a cause or movement, or making a difference in the lives of others. It can manifest in the simplest of acts—volunteering at a local shelter, mentoring a young person, or performing small acts of kindness in daily interactions. 

In a world that values external validation, it's easy to lose sight of our inner power and beauty. We may find ourselves chasing after dreams that aren't truly aligned with our authentic selves, yearning for a sense of fulfillment that eludes us. But what if we shifted our focus inward instead of outward? What if we allowed ourselves the freedom to explore our unique gifts, talents, and desires, unburdened by the expectations of others? What if we listened attentively to the whispers of our souls, nurturing the seeds of passion that reside deep within us?

In pursuing our purpose, we must remember that it is not dictated by the applause of others. It may require patience, introspection, and a willingness to explore the uncharted territories of our hearts. It may involve stepping outside our comfort zones, facing our fears, and embracing the unknown. Our purpose is a gentle call to action, encouraging you to bring your authentic self to the forefront, share your gifts, and illuminate the world in your own extraordinary way.

As I reflect upon my journey, I find solace and contentment in realizing that purpose can be expressed in a myriad of forms throughout our lives. Fundraising was an early expression of my purpose, and the Kume Turning Point Diaries platform is its current iteration. Through the platform's podcast, newsletter, upcoming journal, and community-building, I magnify the whispers that guided my purpose, amplifying the stories I carry within and how I wish to serve and contribute to humanity. Each day, as I navigate the intricate dance between vulnerability and strength, I uncover new layers of meaning and discover the boundless potential of my purpose. It is a gentle reminder that purpose is not a fixed destination but a fluid, dynamic force that guides us through the ebb and flow of life. 

Today, as I write and bask in the warmth and clarity of my purpose, I extend this gentle invitation: Embrace the journey, for it is in the journey that purpose reveals itself. Nurture your passions, heed the whispers of your heart, and trust that, in due time, your purpose will unfold before you. Embrace the dance of self-discovery and allow your authentic self to shine, for it is through living our purpose that we create a life rich with meaning, fulfillment, and joy. 

For more inspiration on this discovering your purpose in unlikely places, listen to our S2E8's conversation with Cielo Villa, a trailblazing entrepreneur with a bold vision to revolutionize college access. In our conversation, she shares her fascinating, winding journey into entrepreneurship.

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