Kume Returns on August 9th

2 min read

Helping you understand your infinite capacity to change, evolve, and create the life you want is a big part of Kume. The podcast encourages you to live intentionally, from instilling a practice of self-knowledge to holding space for deeper opening and healing. We often talk about our hopes, dreams, goals, and the life we want, but we often don't connect these aspirations to freedom. However, living the life you wish usually means knowing and creating the freedom(s) you desire.

Season three of the podcast resumes with a stimulating soulful conversation about freedom as a guiding principle in creating the life you want. The guest on this episode is no other than master storyteller Kewulay Kamara, who has quickly become a fan favorite since first appearing in season one. Kamara shares a fresh perspective on studying, learning, and working so you can be free. We discuss the meaning and personal sense of freedom—what it is like to live the value of freedom. He walks us through the practice that has helped him to dream his desired life into existence and find the people who align with his values to dream with him. He also shares how his current work with UNESCO, in collaboration with the University of Makeni in Sierra Leone, builds on the innate human capacity to imagine the future. To Kamara, we can have freedom and agency over our futures, starting with the stories we tell in the present. 

In preparation for this new episode, I'd like to encourage you to reflect on what freedom(s) you desire most in life. When you know this, your thoughts, words, and actions can align with your desired reality. 

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast, so you don't miss it once the episode goes live.

Season 3 resumes in one week! Mark your calendars. Your future self will be grateful.


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