Have You Watered Yourself Today?

2 min read

My mom loves plants; her home is an oxygenated haven of greenery and blooms. Armed with a large yolk-colored water can, she pours water into each plant with tenderness and boundless affection. Over the weekend, while watching my mom nurture her plants, I had a realization: my mom’s plants thrive because of her diligent care and watering. Similarly, caring for ourselves is akin to tending to a houseplant–what we water grows, and we can also reap the benefits of giving attention to and nurturing ourselves.

Watering plants is one of the most important and essential ways of caring for them. Plants need water to stay alive and grow. We, too, need watering for our overall well-being. But how can we “water ourselves” in various aspects of our lives to nurture our growth and vitality? 

In the literal sense, we can water ourselves by drinking plenty of water (advisably 4-6 cups daily) to stay hydrated and function optimally. Beyond our water intake, watering ourselves can take many forms, from exercising to meditating to spending time with loved ones. It’s vital to listen to our bodies, minds, and souls and give them what they need, whether it is rest, nutritious foods, movement, therapy, affirmations, encouragement, or companionship. As my mom would often remind me, plants need different amounts of water to thrive. For example, succulents need occasional, moderate watering, while orchids require consistent, heavy pour to quench their roots. Similarly, figuring out how to water ourselves is understanding that each of us has specific needs and will take on different approaches to nourishment. 

For me, watering myself takes the form of: 


Just like plants need the right environment to grow, we must create a supportive and nurturing environment to thrive. This might involve surrounding ourselves with positive influences, setting healthy boundaries, and practicing self-compassion.


To allow personal growth and development, we need to make room for ourselves,  similar to how plants need space to grow and expand. This might involve stepping out of our comfort zone, taking risks, and challenging ourselves to reach new heights. 


Like pruning dead leaves and branches from plants, we need to let go of things that no longer serve us. This might involve releasing negative beliefs, toxic relationships, or unhealthy habits. 


We need to take care of our inner self and cultivate a positive mindset, akin to how plants need nourishment from the roots up. This might involve developing self-compassion, cultivating gratitude, and practicing positive affirmations. We also need to prioritize self-reflection and self-awareness. This might include practicing mindfulness, journaling, or seeking support from a therapist or coach. 

By watering my community, curiosity, forgiveness, and introspection, I can relax and rejuvenate my body, look inward with more insight and wisdom, and cultivate greater compassion for myself and others. This allows me to live a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. And just like plants need patience to grow and bloom, I need to be patient with myself as I navigate my personal growth.

So today, I’d like to challenge you to reflect on how you can water and nourish yourself–listen and give yourself what you need to grow. How are you going to water yourself today?

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