Enjoy the Process

3 min read

Photo by Kewulay Kamara

"You are not trying; you are ACTUALIZING." 

These are words my therapists said to me two years ago as I relayed my disappointment in not achieving certain milestones at the current stage in my life. Until then, I had a tunnel vision of what success would look like and when it would emerge, ignoring the multitude of ways I had grown and how far I had come. Sometimes, when we are in the thick of things, we don't see the progress we are making. So, having somebody else see it and recognize it can be significant. My therapist provided a different perspective on my journey, and I have held on to her words ever since. 

Affirming moments like the one shared above is one of the reasons why I advocate for therapy. Therapy has made me appreciate progress and celebrate the in-between stages in life. Many of us fixate on the BIG gains rather than the small wins along the way, which causes us to lose faith when we come up short. But by shifting our focus to the progress we are making, it becomes more about growth and development. We can become more invested in how much we learn and improve, allowing us to appreciate all wins, setbacks, mistakes, lessons learned, and sacred moments in between the achievements. 

On this Wellness Wednesday, I want to encourage us not to wait until the achievement of a long-term goal or specific outcomes to celebrate. These wins are great, but far-in-between and small wins can be just as gratifying with the right mindset. The process is equally important as the ending. Each day is an opportunity to embrace and revel in our growth and appreciate how far we've come. We will reap the benefits as long as we put in the work. 

Here are five ways to enjoy the process:

  1. Acknowledge and celebrate the small wins

  2. Journal your progression

  3. Laugh, even at yourself, to keep a well-rounded perspective. As my baba would say, "play doesn't spoil seriousness."

  4. Seek connection with people with similar values and aspirations

  5. Share your progress with friends and family

When we take time to enjoy the process, we can relax, better appreciate our achievements, and maintain momentum during the good times and, more importantly, the challenging times.

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