Overcoming Your Fear

Peaceful sea

Storms don't last.

I was reminded of this while riding the ferry from NYC to Sea Bright, NJ. The first 30 minutes were fine, but then the boat began to dip and then rise.

With every wave, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and knots in my stomach tightened. You could feel it rising before dropping quickly down again. I was terrified, nervous, and very uncomfortable. I could not imagine the end of this turbulence or the calming sea and the cotton candy sky that greeted us when we docked. The turbulence made me appreciate the peaceful scenery even more.

I am telling you this story to remind you that circumstances change. Too often, we shut ourselves off from pursuing our dreams because we think the waves will never change. We let the fear of turbulence live inside us forever. But something about facing the turbulence and making it home in one piece makes you feel safe and undefeated. Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

Check out our podcast to hear incredible stories of people looking beyond their circumstances and pursuing their dreams, and you inspired along the way.


5 Ways to Grow as a Person


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