5 Ways to Grow as a Person

"Make the most of yourself....for that is all there is of you." --Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Personal growth involves the emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual improvements in our daily lives. Here are five practical and meaningful practices to help you grow and better understand yourself and the world moving forward.

  1. Read more

    Reading is one of the best ways to expand your perspective and personal limits. Reading stories about other people's lives enables us to develop the skills to understand the world from another person's perspective and better understand ourselves and engage with and make meaning of the various experiences of our lives. Reading also helps you build empathy, an important trait we should cultivate. This ability is a critical element of relating to others and being kind and considerate of their feelings.

    Not sure where to start with reading? No problem. We've put together a vibrant collection of works celebrating self-knowledge. Head over to our Kume Syllabus and let the magic happen.

  2. Consume positive expressions (art, music, film, literature)

    We become what we admire. By consuming positive artistic expressions, you will stimulate your senses, awaken your creativity, and even be a source of affirmation, transformation, and revelation.

  3. Practice deep rest and recuperation

    Rest is essential to a happy and healthy lifestyle if you haven't heard. Our body repairs and grows; our brains become more intelligent and creative, and our minds replenish willpower and gain emotional control. So, care for your body by resting well.

  4. Practice telling your own story

    Stories are not just for entertaining. Stories are also for sense-making. The stories we share are essential to survival and continuity, so we tell stories. When we tell our stories, we begin to engage with and make meaning of the various experiences of our lives. Storytelling helps you hold space for joy and heartbreak, loneliness and connectedness, grief and mourning. It doesn't erase. It doesn't fix. It is simply a place where you can be in all your dynamicity.

    By telling your story, you gift yourself and others with healing and connection that can only be experienced once your wholeness is embraced and shared.

    Listen to our podcast if you need some inspiration in telling your story.

  5. Understand and accept your limits

    Without boundaries, you don’t protect the beauty of what you are.


Wellbeing Series: Self & Stories


Overcoming Your Fear