This Season Calls for Slowing Down

2 min

It’s been a busy and exciting season for me, transitioning from developing and producing to launching and selling the MyKume Journal. Despite the excitement, my body craves change. I’m sure many of you can relate – it’s been a while since we’ve had a break, constantly caught up in emails and the hustle and bustle of city life. This time of year often signals our bodies to tell us to slow down. This week, I suggest  taking a moment to check in with your mind and body, acknowledging the sensations you might be feeling, and figuring out what you really need right now. It’s important to recognize when we are approaching our capacity, and cannot take on any more. 

For me, activities like meditation, journaling, cooking, or hosting friends for dinner bring a sense of slowness that sustains me. When I talk about slowness, I don’t mean doing nothing. It’s more about ease and a comfortable pace that allows for richer connection with yourself and others. Journaling, in particular, is a simple practice that goes a long way. It helps me slow down and reflect, preventing me from just going through the motions of life. It’s a reminder to breath, reflect, play, and connect with myself and various experiences that life throws my way. Beyond the mindfulness aspect, there’s also scientific evidence that journaling has other benefits. It boosts memory and communication skills, and studies have also found that consistently writing in a journal leads to a stronger immune system, better sleep and more self-confidence.

For you, slowness could mean doing things one time. For instance, planning your outfits once a week, so you don't spend time thinking about what you are going to wear every day and have more time in the shower or in your kitchen savoring a cup of favorite tea. Instead of saving all of your relaxation for when you are out of town, you could take a vacation at home. And with the endless holiday festivities, you could say no to an invitation even if you don't have anything planned for that time.

If these are some of the things you desire in your day-to-day life, consider trying out the MyKume Journal for a daily dose of ease. Inside the journal, there are 150 pages inviting you to breathe, reflect, play, (doodles are warmly welcome), and connect with yourself. 

Regardless of how you choose to incorporate these practices, I hope you’ll be inspired to pause and enjoy the wisdom within and all around you.

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