Switch Your Curiosity On

1 min

How often do we meet a moment—big or small—with judgment?

It happens so quickly. A snap assessment, a categorization, a reaction. Judgment says, I know what this is. It feels certain, decisive, even protective. But what if we could invite something else?


Curiosity doesn’t rush to conclusions. It pauses, leans in, and wonders. Instead of I already know, it asks, What else could be true? Instead of This is right, that is wrong, it whispers, What’s beneath this? What’s possible here?

A brief moment is all it takes. The next time you catch yourself in a cycle of judgment—of yourself, of someone else, of a situation—can you invite curiosity instead? Can you borrow the wide-eyed wonder of a child and soften into the unknown?

Think of how a child notices the smallest details—the way a butterfly flutters unexpectedly, the way rainwater races down the sidewalk, the way a stranger’s laugh fills a room. That kind of curiosity is still within us, if we allow it.

Curiosity brings with it a sense of play, a gentleness, an openness that allows us to see more, feel more, be more. It makes room for connection, for nuance, for empathy. When we replace judgment with curiosity, we invite understanding. We soften. We listen.

The world is full of moments waiting to be met with wonder. How much curiosity can we bring to them?

Try it. And when judgment shows up, try saying:

“I see you, but let’s be curious instead.”

If you’re looking for a way to practice curiosity, the MyKume Journal is a wonderful companion. Its guided prompts invite you to reflect, explore, and soften judgement about your emotions, your experiences, and the stories you tell yourself.

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