Setting Intentions for the New Year

5 min read

"Happy new year, we nor die, oh. Tell God tenki for we life oh."

(Happy new year, we are alive. Give thanks to God for our life)

We sing this song in Sierra Leone on New Year's day to celebrate another year of life despite life's challenges. I hope you are well as you ease into 2023. I just returned to New York City after a month-long visit home to Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Ghana. The time at home was not only soothing for my skin and soul (more on this in the upcoming newsletter), but it also made it abundantly clear of the gift to see another year of life and the power we have to live it. 

I began to write this piece in the wee hours of Saturday, December 17, the day of a close friend's wedding. I had traveled from New York City to Dakar, Senegal, to attend and celebrate her marriage in her home country. The night before, while in my friend's room talking as she packed her suitcase for her honeymoon, I noticed a taped 10 x 6 brown construction paper on her wall. On the paper were written statements of what she wanted for herself in 2022 and how she wanted to show up in the world. Each statement began affirmatively with "I am." Reading this, line by line, I was overcome by joy for how her statements had come to fruition, from work aspirations to romantic relationships. I was particularly drawn to her statement, "I am intentional, clear, and selective about my romantic relationships," because of how the statement had manifested. Here, we were in her room on the eve of her wedding day, about to celebrate one of her desired outcomes for 2022. I said to my friend, "Wow, You really spoke 2022 to life", and with the most gracious smile, she replied, "Words have power." "Indeed, they do," I replied.

I share this anecdote to remind us of our power to shape our lived reality. My friend's written affirmations for 2022 were testaments to the power of the tongue, and the capacity to change, evolve, and create the life we want, beginning with the words we speak. 

As we begin this new year, it's an opportunity to speak positively over it, practice saying what we want and the feeling we want to experience, and imagine all the best things that could happen. I want to encourage us to take time in the early weeks of the new year to think deeply about our desires and how we want to show up in the world. By bringing awareness to the images and ideas we have of the year ahead, we can better align our actions with our desired reality. Even if the outcome isn't what we thought it would be, affirming can make us anticipate other things and be open to possibilities. 

Drawing inspiration from my friend's poster, I have written affirmative statements for 2023, similar to what my friend did for 2022. This exercise helped me start the year with a renewed focus on myself. It serves as a jumping-off point and motivation to commit to taking charge of my life journey. 

I believe this exercise could help you define what you want most and then serve as a reminder to embody that vision of yourself throughout the year. Affirmations are a great way to intentionally focus your mindset and energy toward things that will positively impact your lifestyle.

Below are tips to get you started right away.

There are a few materials you will need to gather first. 

  • Poster board of any size 

  • Marker or pens

Step 1: Relax 

Set aside a relaxing morning, afternoon, or evening. 

Begin by taking a few minutes to settle into the mood. You can light a scented candle, make a warm beverage, and play ambient music. Anything that is calming and will help you be in an introspective headspace. 

Step 2: Reflect on your vision for the year ahead.

Close your eyes, relax your jaw and shoulders, and imagine all the best things that could happen this year.

Ask yourself, what do I want this year? What are my deepest wishes and desires? What feelings do I want to experience? Consider your values–what matters to you most? What gives your life purpose? 

Below are some areas of life to consider when writing your affirmative statements:






Step 3: Write affirmative statements

At the top of the poster, write “In 2023…”

Begin each affirmative statement with I AM…

Phrasing it this way makes it optimistic and primes your brain to embody that statement in the present. The statements below are meant to inspire your vision for your life.

A statement about health

I am healthy, active, and vibrant. 

Statement about mindset

I am curious, ambitious, bold, and courageous.

Statement about relationships

I am in a happy, loving, and committed relationship. 

Statement about personal finances

I am debt-free, secure, and content.

Statement about career

I am learning, collaborating, and advancing at work.

When I did this exercise, I also included a faith-based phrase that I connected with. For me, anchoring my affirmations in faith steeps it in my heart and spirit. While the oxygen in the air nourishes my body, faith nourishes my heart and soul. Even when situations seem dire and bleak, our spirituality can carry us through, illuminating the pathway forward and giving us strength along the journey. 

Step 4: Put your written statements anywhere you will see them every day

The more likely you are to read your statements, the more likely you are to remember them and work towards them each day.

Check-in with yourself frequently and let your statements be the guide on how you think and act–moving you closer to what you have envisioned for 2023.

Step 5: Give thanks in advance and surrender. 

The statements we write and the affirmations we set for ourselves represent a desired state we want to experience. Whether it applies to a career, romantic relationship, friendship, or family life, the affirmations encapsulate the elevated emotions we long for: bliss, delight, and fulfillment. Beyond, to feel seen, heard, understood, accepted, and appreciated for who we are. To thrive as humans and bloom fully into all we are meant to be. 

As you focus on your vision for this year and look at your affirmations each day, also remember to breathe and let go of your idea of how things should come or be. There is a difference between the "what" (captured by the affirmations) and the "how," which consists in how the universe will orchestrate life. To surrender and trust the process is an active choice and a key dimension of allowing our desired reality to come to us, even in ways that at times diverge from our desired or original vision. 

Saying thanks in advance and expressing gratitude for the things we are calling forth through writing allows us to step from the writing of the affirmation to their living, trusting that even if we can't see it yet, all we long for is already here and will unfold at the perfect time and in the perfect way. 

As you stand up from this exercise, take a deep breath and choose to give yourself grace and permission to explore and discover something new about yourself and the world around you. I wish you meaningful and uplifting surprises.

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