Cultivating Faith Within

4 min

Have you come across word-search posts on social media? Recently, one caught my eye (below), declaring "The first 3 words you see will be your mantra for 2024." At a glance, I spotted "self-love, miracle, and alignment." Despite already choosing  "faith"  as the central theme to guide my actions and decisions in the new year, these three words intrigued me, and I quickly scribbled them in my journal. Days later, the interconnection between the three words and my initial choice, “faith,” became apparent.

I chose "faith" after an enlightening conversation with my family while celebrating the Kwanzaa principle of Imani. Kwanzaa, a culturally rich holiday observed from December 26 to January 1 in African-American and Pan-African communities, has been a cherished part of my family's traditions for as long as I can recall. Each night of Kwanzaa, we gather around the kinara (candleholder), the table's centerpiece adorned with ears of corn, fruits, books, and a gold unity cup. With the overhead lights dimmed, we illuminate a candle symbolizing the day's principle and share our reflections on that principle. This year, our discussion on Imani, meaning faith in Swahili, resonated with me deeply. My Baba (dad) eloquently conveyed, faith is "a desire, feeling, and knowing that there is permanence." Faith is about seeking unity with one's true self, which is constant amidst life change. This perspective on faith was new to me.

Exploring faith–the profound connection with our true selves–reveals that everything that happens in the world doesn't happen by accident. Instead, events unfold as manifestations of a deeper spirit inherent within us. This recognition motivates me to seek a connection within myself. 

Believing in the principle of faith means nothing anyone says or does can alter your essence. A saying from my Mandeng culture states: “A powerful snake is buried in a deep well. When something is in a well, do people see it? No. You don't see it because it is so deep.” Just as something deep in a well remains unseen, your inner strength isn’t visible to others; it’s untouchable, and therefore dissipates any fear. Only you can know yourself. Others may try to know you, but only you comprehend your true identity. And how do you achieve self-discovery? This involves engaging in the hard work of introspection, whether through journaling, meditation, therapy, or any practice facilitating solitude, reflection, and engagement with the narratives you construct for yourself. We can also view the people and situations in our lives as avenues for understanding our core selves. 

So, how do the words "self-love, miracle, and alignment" connect with the concept of faith I have shared above? These words often reflect the journey of harmonizing with one's true self. 

  1. Self-love: The journey of faith emphasizes seeking unity with one's true self. Faith involves recognizing the constant and immutable aspects of oneself. Thus, "self-love" becomes an integral part of faith — a genuine acceptance and appreciation of one's intrinsic worth and identity. The path towards faith includes nurturing a deep sense of self-love and recognizing that faith extends beyond external connections to encompass internal affirmations of one's value.

  2. Miracle: Interpreting life events as manifestations of a greater spirit within suggests that seemingly random occurrences are purposeful components of a grand plan. The word "miracle" captures the awe and wonder associated with this profound perspective on faith.

  3. Alignment: The word "alignment" directly correlates with faith as it denotes the harmonious connection between one's beliefs, actions, and the greater spiritual force at play. Seeking alignment implies a conscious effort to stay attuned to one's faith and guiding principles.

The words "self-love, miracle, and alignment" are intricately connected with the interpretation of faith I am embracing for the year. They represent critical facets of the journey towards a deeper spiritual connection, involving love for oneself and the divine, recognition of the constant nature of the self, appreciation for the miraculous aspects of life, and intentional alignment with a greater purpose.

May 2024 be filled with moments of self-discovery, boundless love, and miraculous alignment with your true self. May your faith guide you through challenges, and may you find strength in knowing your own worth.

Consider making this year a season of self-love, self-knowledge, and mindfulness with MyKume Journal. Let the pages of your journal be a canvas for your thoughts, dreams, and the miracles that unfold in your life. Happy journaling! If you've already purchased a journal, thank you! We'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review.

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Rose, Thorn, Bud - A Year in Review