Giving Thanks

2 min read

Thanksgiving dinner

For those in the U.S., tomorrow is Thanksgiving, when many of us will gather with family and friends we have not seen in a long time. It is a time for bonding and scrumptious nourishment steeped in new and old traditions. 

Tomorrow is not just a day for out-of-town visits, feasting, and retreating to the couch for an afternoon nap, it’s also a celebration of all the things we have gratitude for in our lives. When my family gathers on Thanksgiving, we hold space for appreciation. We stand and hold hands around the dining table as an elder leads us in a ceremonial prayer. We give thanks and pray to the Creator for the multiple blessings that we have received physically and spiritually, such as seeing another day and being able to celebrate another holiday with each other. It is a tender moment to appreciate all the good in our lives and honor the rituals around food and fellowship. 

In this spirit of gratitude, I want to express my appreciation to each of you for your continued support of Kume and the opportunity to explore, learn, and grow with you. Whether it’s a private message, a podcast review, or reshare of the content, your support affirms my vision and keeps me on my path. I am grateful for the community I am building through the podcast and newsletter, all while juggling my full-time job.

I know that not everyone feels celebratory this time of year, but I hope you can find something to be grateful for. Be it the people or pets you cherish, the roof over your head, the food on your plate, or how much you’ve grown over the last year. Whatever it is, expressing gratitude can turn what you have into enough, and more.

Whether you spend the day with your blood family, chosen family, or by yourself, I wish you a safe, festive, and enjoyable holiday!

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